Gm Guitar Chord: 2 Easy Ways to Play It and More
The Gm chord is comprised of the notes G, Bb, and D
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Gm…
The Gm chord is comprised of the notes G, Bb, and D
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Gm…
The Am chord is comprised of the notes A, C, and E
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Am…
The Fm chord is comprised of the notes F, Ab, and C
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Fm…
The Em chord is comprised of the notes E, G, and B
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Em…
The Cm chord is comprised of the notes C, Eb, and G
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Cm…
The Dm chord is comprised of the notes D, F, and A
In terms of intervals, it has a root, a minor 3rd, and a perfect 5th
It can also be named or notated as Dm…
The B minor chord is generally considered easier to play than a B minor, the reason being that both positions for it are more comfortable for the fingers.
For a beginner though, it can still be a challenge, because B …