Is Learning Electric Guitar Easy? A Beginner’s Guide

Learning to play the electric guitar can be an exciting and rewarding journey for anyone who is interested in music. 

As someone who has played the guitar for years, I can attest to the fact that it is a fun and engaging instrument to learn. 

But one question that often comes up for beginners is whether or not it is easy to learn the electric guitar.

Although I already tackled this question in another article, here’s my specific take on the electric guitar.

The answer to this question is not a straightforward one. 

While some people may find it easier to pick up the electric guitar than other instruments, there are still challenges that come with learning any new skill. 

However, with the right mindset and approach, anyone can learn to play the electric guitar and enjoy the process along the way.

In this article, we will explore the topic of learning the electric guitar and provide actionable tips and insights for beginners who are just starting out. 

Whether you are a complete beginner or have some experience with the instrument, we hope that this article will provide you with valuable information and inspiration to help you on your journey.

3 Tips for Learning Electric Guitar

1. Start with Basic Chords

When I first started learning electric guitar, I found it helpful to start with the basic chords

It may seem boring at first, but mastering these chords will give you a solid foundation to build upon. 

Some of the most common chords, also called cowboy chords, are A, Am, C, D, Dm, E, Em, and G. 

Take your time to practice each chord until you can play them smoothly without any mistakes.

You will find that just with these basic chords, and some simple strumming patterns you will be able to start playing many popular songs.

Here are my 21 tips to learn chords faster.

2. Practice Consistently

Learning to play electric guitar requires consistent practice. 

It’s better to practice for a shorter period every day than to practice for a long time once a week. 

I try to practice for at least 30 minutes every day. 

This helps me to build muscle memory and improve my finger strength. 

Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see progress right away. 

It takes time and patience to become a good guitar player.

Now, for the basics, normally dedicated students take from a few weeks to a month to have the basics down and start enjoying the instrument.

Again, don’t get discouraged, and give yourself time!

3. Find a Good Teacher or Online Course

Having a good teacher or online course can be very helpful when learning electric guitar. 

They can provide you with guidance, feedback, and new techniques to improve your playing. 

If you’re on a tight budget, there are many free online resources available. 

Some popular websites include JustinGuitar and GuitarLessons. 

Learning guitar can be challenging at first, but it’s also a lot of fun. 

Especially if you find a great teacher that knows about the music you like! 

By starting with basic chords, practicing consistently, and finding a good teacher or online course, you can improve your skills and become a great guitar player.

You can also give a shot at learning guitar by yourself. Click that last sentence to read a thorough article on the matter I wrote.

Finally, if you are looking for the fastest ways to get started with the instrument, the following article is a must-read:

3 Benefits of Learning Electric Guitar

1. Improves Cognitive Function

Learning to play electric guitar can have a positive impact on cognitive function. 

According to a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, playing a musical instrument can improve cognitive function in older adults. 

Learning to play electric guitar requires concentration, focus, and attention to detail, which can all help to improve cognitive function. 

Additionally, playing electric guitar can help to improve memory, as it requires the player to remember chords, notes, and song lyrics.

2. Enhances Creativity

Playing electric guitar can also enhance creativity. 

Learning to play an instrument can help to unlock creativity and inspire new ideas. 

According to a study published in the Journal of Creative Behavior, playing an instrument can increase creativity and problem-solving skills. 

Playing electric guitar allows for experimentation with different sounds and effects, which can lead to new and unique ideas.

3. Boosts Confidence

Learning to play electric guitar can also boost confidence. 

As you improve your skills, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and pride in your abilities. 

This can lead to increased self-confidence and self-esteem

Additionally, playing electric guitar in front of others can help to overcome stage fright and build confidence in performing in front of an audience.

Challenges of Learning Electric Guitar

Finger Pain and Calluses

When I first started learning electric guitar, I experienced a lot of finger pain and discomfort. 

This is because playing guitar requires a lot of pressure on the fingertips, which can cause soreness and even blisters. 

However, with regular practice and playing, the fingertips will develop calluses, which will make playing more comfortable and less painful.

To help alleviate finger pain, I found it helpful to take breaks when necessary and to stretch my fingers regularly. 

The golden rule to keep your guitar practicing routine safe and avoid injuries is stopping as soon as something starts hurting.

I also always make sure to keep my nails trimmed short, as long nails can interfere with proper finger placement and cause additional discomfort.

Learning Music Theory

One of the challenges of learning electric guitar is understanding music theory. 

It can be overwhelming to learn about scales, chords, and notes, especially if you have no prior musical experience. 

However, music theory is very useful for improving your playing and understanding of how songs are constructed.

To make learning music theory easier, I found it helpful to break it down into smaller, manageable pieces. 

I focused on learning one concept at a time, such as the major scale or basic chord progressions

I also used online resources and tutorials to supplement my learning and reinforce my understanding of music theory.

Here’s a great guide on all the basic theory you will need to understand the guitar pieces you tackle.

However, although useful, there are many famous players that play by ear and have achieved great success doing it that way.

The best thing about music and musical instruments is that there are really no rules set in stone, and as long as you have fun, everything is ok.

Mastering Techniques

Another challenge of learning electric guitar is mastering different techniques. 

Advanced techniques such as alternate picking, sweep picking, and tapping require a lot of practice and patience to master. 

It can be frustrating when you can’t play a certain technique perfectly at first, but it’s important to remember that it takes time and dedication to improve.

To master techniques, I found it helpful to break them down into smaller parts and practice each part individually. 

I also used a metronome to help me stay on beat and improve my timing. 

Additionally, I sought feedback from other guitarists and used online resources to learn new techniques and improve my playing.

I have put together a guide that goes over a lot of these advanced techniques here.

Electric Guitar vs. Acoustic Guitar for Beginners

When it comes to choosing between an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar for beginners, there are a few things to consider. 

Both types of guitars have their own unique advantages and disadvantages, so it really depends on what you’re looking for. 


One of the biggest differences between electric and acoustic guitars is the sound they produce. 

Acoustic guitars have a natural, warm tone that is great for playing folk, country, and other acoustic styles of music

Electric guitars, on the other hand, have a more versatile sound that can be used for a wide range of genres, including rock, blues, and jazz.

Distortion and overdrive are a big part of the electric guitar sound, however, contrary to what many beginners believe, electric guitars sound clean naturally.

Saturation effects are added on top and will take some extra work to get used to.


Another factor to consider is playability. 

Electric guitars generally have thinner necks and lower string action, which makes them easier to play for beginners. 

Acoustic guitars, on the other hand, can be a bit more challenging to play due to their thicker necks and higher string action. 

However, some beginners prefer the feel of an acoustic guitar and find it easier to play. 

Again, there are no rules, only preferences.


When it comes to cost, electric guitars can be more expensive than acoustic guitars, especially if you factor in the cost of an amp and other accessories. 

However, there are also plenty of affordable electric guitars on the market that are great for beginners. 

Acoustic guitars tend to be more affordable overall, but there are also high-end models that can be quite expensive.


Finally, portability is another factor to consider. 

Acoustic guitars are generally more portable than electric guitars since they don’t require an amp or other equipment. 

This makes them a great choice for beginners who want to take their guitar with them on the go. 

Electric guitars, on the other hand, require more equipment that can be a bit more cumbersome to transport. 

Both electric and acoustic guitars have their own unique advantages and disadvantages for beginners. 

It really comes down to personal preference and what type of music you want to play. 

If you’re still not sure which type of guitar to choose, consider trying out both to see which one feels right for you.


Learning electric guitar can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. 

It requires dedication and practice, but with the right resources and mindset, anyone can learn to play.

One of the advantages of learning electric guitar is the ability to experiment with different sounds and effects. 

This is made possible by the use of amplifiers and pedals, which can be used to shape the tone and style of the guitar.

When it comes to learning electric guitar, there are many resources available online and in person.

From instructional videos and books to private lessons, there are countless ways to learn and improve your skills. 

It’s important to find a method that works best for you and to set realistic goals for yourself.

While it may take time and effort to become proficient at playing electric guitar, the journey is well worth it. 

Whether you’re playing for fun or looking to join a band, the skills, and knowledge you gain from learning electric guitar can last a lifetime.