Argued as the sexiest eyes a person can have, blue eyes have been the conversation pieces of many a frustrated partner.
“They just flash those baby blues and I melt” or “their steely blue eyes had me instantly” are lines TV shows have used consistently.
So unless it’s all television propaganda, these 13 songs have no right to be singing about what they are.
1. Behind Blue Eyes – The Who
Everyone over the age of sixteen should know this song.
The Who delivered one of their most (I say this sparingly because it’s The Who and all their songs are good) recognizable songs with this number.
Behind blue eyes is about wrestling with identity and is probably a contributing part of Kelly Clarkson’s Hazel eyes hit.
2. Blue Eyes – Elton John
Elton hits on every point made in the introduction.
The song opens by saying baby’s got blue eyes, and then goes on to describe what those blue eyes are like.
Getting lost in blue eyes?
Elton John has a song for you.
3. Fast Cars and Freedom – Rascal Flatts
While the song title doesn’t capture blue eyes the same way as others on this list, Rascal Flatt’s chorus about having his blue-eyed baby leaning her head on his shoulder should speak wonders about the defining characteristic he chose to highlight.
Brown hair?
Nice smile?
No sir.
His baby’s got blue eyes.
4. Pale Blue Eyes – Velvet Underground
Velvet Underground furthers the blue eyes propaganda even more.
The song opens with how annoying the person can be, or how they make them sad, but those pale blue eyes get them every time.
It’s like their eye colour is a get-out-of-jail-free card. It’s practically unfair.
5. Baby Blue Eyes – A Rocket to the Moon
This song really takes the cake.
This entire song is about everything he would do for this girl, and how wonderful she is.
But when he goes to describe her or talk about any physical trait, the only thing mentioned are her baby blue eyes.
Absolute madness.
6. Pretty Blue Eyes – Steve Lawrence
Steve Lawrence starts the descent into blue-eyed superiority.
Sings about being in love before, but when “pretty blue eyes” moves in next door, there’s no contest.
All the boys agree that “pretty blue eyes” is the nicest one to see.
Reel it in, Lawrence.
7. Blue Eyes – Mika
This song at least tries to shake the grip blue-eyed people have.
Mika sings about having their heart broken and the need to get past crying over blue eyes.
Later in the song, it is revealed they also have blue eyes themselves, so maybe poetic justice?
8. Blue Eyes Cryin’ In the Rain – Willie Nelson
Willie Nelson’s song is probably the purest on this list.
There’s no air of superiority, no need to highlight the blue eyes of his loved one, none of that.
Willie sings about being hurt and crying in the rain (clearly) in a tune that has inspired so many to look back and appreciate the time they’ve had with their loved ones.
If that’s not pure, I don’t know what is.
9. Blue Eyed Hexe – PIXIES
PIXIES stand alone in their use of blue eyes on this list.
The song gives exactly what is promised in an indie-style mid-2010s song and happens to use a blue-eyed hexe in the process.
Honestly, the hexe could have been any eye colour, nothing of particular note here.
10. Blue Eyes Soul – Wilco
A slower jam, Wilco does slightly return to the blue-eyed propaganda, but it’s more admiration than an obsession.
The song covers a back-and-forth with someone with blue eyes and treats them more as equals than anything.
The song just seems to refer to them as blue eyes, not put them up on a pedestal.
Honestly, this is how it should be.
11. Red Dirt, Blue Eyes – Dustin Lynch
Trust it to a country song to “get lost in your blue eyes” again.
Dustin does have other nice things to say about spending time together but really hammers home his message when it comes to this girl’s eye colour.
12. Blue Eyes Blind – ZZ Ward
This song is interesting because the eye colour is only coming from the artist.
ZZ Ward talks about this other person who is so great and has these things about him that “make her blue eyes blind” to anything else that may be troublesome about them.
By far the most interesting angle this list has.
13. Blue Eyes Blue – Eric Clapton
Leave it to Eric Clapton to round out a list properly.
Like ZZ Ward, Clapton does sing about his own eyes but not in the way that makes them blind.
This song takes a closer approach to Mika’s that he’s hurt and sad but the song makes you feel like you’re in love still, so it’s a lot to take in emotionally.
Clapton’s blue eyes are made blue because of how he feels.
In Conclusion
There seems to be a general understanding that blue eyes can make anything happen.
But, putting overwhelming evidence aside, I hope whatever eye color you’re rocking, you enjoyed these songs.
Maybe send them to a blue-eyed friend of yours.
Hello there, my name is Ramiro and I’ve been playing guitar for almost 20 years. I’m obsessed with everything gear-related and I thought it might be worth sharing it. From guitars, pedals, amps, and synths to studio gear and production tips, I hope you find what I post here useful, and I’ll try my best to keep it entertaining also.